Cheetah -World’s fastest predator, with unmatched hunting prowess.
Yet they will surrender a kill immediately to even a single Hyena.



Think about it. They rely on their speed, agility to obtain their meals and anything that slows them down could be essentially life threatening.May be now, the readers know why I am talking about Cheetah when I am writing a piece for the Small businesses. Does it ring a bell?

Agility. One of the biggest advantages that small businesses have over large organizations is their Agility.They are light weight, they decide quickly, they start execution immediately and they seldom lose focus like their big peers.

Interestingly they also want to grow.

And on getting more and more business, when they are supposed to be excited,they actually start worrying about losing their agility.One of their core strength.They don’t want to lose this asset even if they want to serve more and more customers and increase revenue.They want the growth.At the same time they don’t want to be big.They just don’t want to add to the weight.They like it lean, they like it light.They like the ability to move in and out, change course, respond to market and speed up very quickly without much risk.

This is the time they start realizing the beauty of Cloud based business tools.It is almost like their every wish has been granted.The typical conversation between a small businessman and Cloud service provider would go like this :

I would love to have Productivity tools like the big guys.                                                                            Done
( but don’t want the huge upfront investment)…………Don’t worry about it.

I want it at my fingertips, any time access from anywhere.                                                                         Done
(don’t want to be chained to my desk, nothing to restrict my mobility)…… Ok. Heard you.

Should be able to scale up and down easily without risk                                                                           Done
(want full flexibility in pricing. I ain’t paying for what I don’t use.
(I don’t mind paying for real value. But don’t expect big money on day 1.
(Let me grow at my own rate)………….Okey.Ok.Point taken.

And look I am no computer geek. AND I don’t have money to pay IT admin guys
(or to have my own ‘IT department’ to take care of all the Hardware, Software upgrades and stuff)
(It should just work. Like my email. No hassles, No viruses and malwares)                                                 Done

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it ?

Well, It is true. Cloud technologies have made these things possible. Companies like Zoho, MailChimp, Kashoo, Xero, Freshdesk and a number of their peers have completely changed the game in business software industry.All I can say to small business owners out there is that you have fought so far with only your brains and sheer guts. Now you have the tools too.

Field is more even now. Go, Get Even.

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