
What makes KloudConnectors different from trigger-based tools like Zapier?

Zapier works great when you need to push data from one app to the other.
Use KloudConnectors to have to use two apps to complete a business process using your apps.


Can you fully sync my data between two apps?

Zapier  doesn’t currently offer two-way syncing features like version merging or version conflict resolution and most supported apps don’t have triggers for updated data.

KloudConnector  does it. The philosophy is to try to connect two apps to form some end to end use case. If the use case requires two way sync.

Example. For Zoho to Xero connector, we expect Invoices , Purchase orders, Customers, Vendors, products to sync from Zoho CRM to Xero. But when the status of invoice changes in Xero , that status is updated in Zoho CRM.


If I update something in one app, will that change be reflected in the other app?

Zapier In most cases, no. 

KloudConnector Yes. KloudConnectors constantly monitors the records in the source app, and when it detects changes, it updates the data in the other app too, keeping everything in sync.


Do you work with existing data? (i.e. data that existed prior to making a Zap…)

Zapier Data that was created before your Zap was turned On will not be acted upon.

KloudConnector Yes and no. When you start subscription, it starts sync from that day onwards but one can also ask for full sync at an additional cost.


Do you also create custom connectors based on customers requirements ?

Zapier No

KloudConnectors  Yes. We do build custom connectors for our customers based on their exact requirements.


What is the frequency of the sync ? Do you have any restriction on number of records synced ?

In Zapier You can sync upto every 15 minutes by opting for higher cost plans. Number of record syncs are limited by the restriction mentioned in the plan.

KloudConnectors One can sync on demand anytime. The automated syncs happen every 12 hours. One can opt for frequent syncs as well at an additional cost. We have only single plan for every connector and we offer unlimited record syncs. So at any point in time you would pay the same amount every month irrespective of the volume.


Can you explain Business Process level(KloudConnectors) integration vs Data Level integration (others) ?

Usually, data is synced for two primary reasons. One is just to sync data from one system to the other. Another way is to integrate to form a full end to end business process. Let’s take an example of our ZohoCRM to MailChimp connector.

Ideally a business would like to sync leads, contacts and campaigns to MailChimp list, once the campaign is sent from MailChimp, they would like to see which contact / lead had opened, bounced, unsubscribed in their Zoho CRM. Also they would like so see who has subscribed to their MailChimp forms in Zoho CRM.

If one has to do the same with Zapier, we will have to create 7-8 zaps and try to simulate this business process. On the other hand, KloudConnectors connector does this systematically by following a process and achieving all this very easily.

Zapier is built as a hub and spoke model whereas KloudConnectors builds every connector by considering how this can be used in real life situation. All Kloud Connectors connectors are tightly integrated with the systems they connect and hence offer better integration.


When to choose Zapier ?

  •  If you need an if-this-then-that scenario, like a message appearing in the company chat every time somebody signs up for your newsletter.
  • When you don’t need the apps to talk to each other in both directions
    When your data is very small.
  • When you don’t want other system to be updated when source system is updated.


When to choose KloudConnectors ?

  • When you want other system to be updated when you make a change in the source system. Eg you are syncing contacts and you updated email id or mobile number and want other system should be updated as well
  • When you want deeper integration and looking for end to end business process integration
  • When you want to process unlimited records
  • When you are looking for peace of mind and improve your productivity.
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